Remove huge amounts of Paperwork from your teams
Document Management workflows can automate invoice approval and help remove the doubt and delay normally involved in the process. DocuWare delivers control and visibility throughout the entire invoice approval process.
Digitize every invoice with intelligent indexing to securely store for instant retrieval. Use preconfigured workflows for approval routing, or use straight-through processing to help expedite payments and keep your team on track.

Eliminate paper and manual data entry
The only thing worse than stacks of paper is manually keying in data locked on that paper. Save space, save time and save yourself the headaches of the old way of doing things.

Automate workflow and exception handling
Establish automatic approvals based on amounts, vendor or other data, or set up digital workflow to route invoices to key decision makers. Elegantly handle exceptions to ensure no balls are dropped.

Reclaim early payment discounts
Process invoices before they're due, catching early payment discounts, avoiding late fees and keeping vendors happy. Build a stronger position for negotiating pricing or additional discounts to save even more.

Dramatically cut audit prep time
Audits are inevitable, but they don't have to be a waste of time. Stop searching and stressing to locate documents. Find digitized documents instantly and deliver as a pre-organized, secure archive accessible only to authorized users.

Integrate with your ERP
DocuWare integrates with Quickbooks, Sage, Xero, MYOB and other financial applications to ensure data integrity across systems and provide a complete picture of accounting information

Data Recovery
Document management cloud solutions allow a company to mitigate the risks of crippling information loss.
Why Paytec?
Our team is not only knowledgeable, they’re passionate about helping our customers succeed. Our personal approach coupled with our commitment set us apart from the rest.
Our in-house team of developers and consultants are here to support you every step of the way.